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11. ARRAY, captain!

We've talked about lists, structs, but what about arrays?

In this section we're gonna cover how to deal with fixed sized arrays, e.g., x and y coordinates of 2d points in the same column:

points = pl.Series(
        [6.63, 8.35],
        [7.19, 4.85],
        [2.1, 4.21],
        [3.4, 6.13],
    dtype=pl.Array(pl.Float64, 2),
df = pl.DataFrame(points)

shape: (4, 1)
│ points        │
│ ---           │
│ array[f64, 2] │
│ [6.63, 8.35]  │
│ [7.19, 4.85]  │
│ [2.1, 4.21]   │
│ [3.4, 6.13]   │

Let's get to work - what if we wanted to make a plugin that takes a Series like points above, and, likewise, returned a Series of arrays? Turns out we can do it! But it's a little bit tricky.

First of all, we need to include features = ["dtype-array"] in both pyo3-polars and polars-core in our Cargo.toml.

Now let's create a plugin that calculates the midpoint between a reference point and each point in a Series like the one above. This should illustrate both how to unpack an array inside our Rust code and also return a Series of the same type.

We'll start by registering our plugin:

def midpoint_2d(expr: IntoExprColumn, ref_point: tuple[float, float]) -> pl.Expr:
    return register_plugin_function(
        kwargs={"ref_point": ref_point},

As you can see, we included an additional kwarg: ref_point, which we annotated with the type tuple: [float, float]. In our Rust code, we won't receive it as a tuple, though, it'll also be an array. This isn't crucial for this example, so just accept it for now. As you saw in the arguments chapter, we take kwargs by defining a struct for them:

struct MidPoint2DKwargs {
    ref_point: [f64; 2],

And we can finally move to the actual plugin code:

// We need this to ensure the output is of dtype array.
// Unfortunately, polars plugins do not support something similar to:
// #[polars_expr(output_type=Array)]
pub fn point_2d_output(_: &[Field]) -> PolarsResult<Field> {
        DataType::Array(Box::new(DataType::Float64), 2),

fn midpoint_2d(inputs: &[Series], kwargs: MidPoint2DKwargs) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
    let ca: &ArrayChunked = inputs[0].array()?;
    let ref_point = kwargs.ref_point;

    let out: ArrayChunked = unsafe {
        ca.try_apply_amortized_same_type(|row| {
            let s = row.as_ref();
            let ca = s.f64()?;
            let out_inner: Float64Chunked = ca
                .map(|(idx, opt_val)| {
          |val| {
                        (val + ref_point[idx]) / 2.0f64


Uh-oh, unsafe, we're doomed!

Hold on a moment - it's true that we need unsafe here, but let's not freak out. If we read the docs of try_apply_amortized_same_type, we see the following:

/// Try apply a closure `F` to each array.
/// # Safety
/// Return series of `F` must has the same dtype and number of elements as input if it is Ok.
pub unsafe fn try_apply_amortized_same_type<F>(&self, mut f: F) -> PolarsResult<Self>
    F: FnMut(AmortSeries) -> PolarsResult<Series>,

In this example, we can uphold that contract - we know we're returning a Series with the same number of elements and same dtype as the input!

Still, the code looks a bit scary, doesn't it? So let's break it down:

let out: ArrayChunked = unsafe {

    // This is similar to apply_values, but it's amortized and made specifically
    // for arrays.
    ca.try_apply_amortized_same_type(|row| {
        let s = row.as_ref();
        // `s` is a Series which contains two elements.
        // We unpack it similarly to the way we've been unpacking Series in the
        // previous chapters:
        // Previously we've been doing this to unpack a column we had behind a
        // Series - this time, inside this closure, the Series contains the two
        // elements composing the "row" (x and y):
        let ca = s.f64()?;

        // There are many ways to extract the x and y coordinates from ca.
        // Here, we remain idiomatic and consistent with what we've been doing
        // in the past - iterate, enumerate and map:
        let out_inner: Float64Chunked = ca
            .map(|(idx, opt_val)| {

                // We only use map here because opt_val is an Option
      |val| {

                    // Here's where the simple logic of calculating a
                    // midpoint happens. We take the coordinate (`val`) at
                    // index `idx`, add it to the `idx-th` entry of our
                    // reference point (which is a coordinate of our point),
                    // then divide it by two, since we're dealing with 2d
                    // points only.
                    (val + ref_point[idx]) / 2.0f64
                // Our map already returns Some or None, so we don't have to
                // worry about wrapping the result in, e.g., Some()

        // At last, we convert out_inner (which is a Float64Chunked) back to a
        // Series

// And finally, we convert our ArrayChunked into a Series, ready to ship to
// Python-land:

That's it. What does the result look like? In, we have:

import polars as pl
from minimal_plugin import midpoint_2d

points = pl.Series(
        [6.63, 8.35],
        [7.19, 4.85],
        [2.1, 4.21],
        [3.4, 6.13],
        [2.48, 9.26],
        [9.41, 7.26],
        [7.45, 8.85],
        [6.58, 5.22],
        [6.05, 5.77],
        [8.57, 4.16],
        [3.22, 4.98],
        [6.62, 6.62],
        [9.36, 7.44],
        [8.34, 3.43],
        [4.47, 7.61],
        [4.34, 5.05],
        [5.0, 5.05],
        [5.0, 5.0],
        [2.07, 7.8],
        [9.45, 9.6],
        [3.1, 3.26],
        [4.37, 5.72],
    dtype=pl.Array(pl.Float64, 2),
df = pl.DataFrame(points)

# Now we call our plugin:
result = df.with_columns(midpoints=midpoint_2d("points", ref_point=(5.0, 5.0)))

Let's compile and run it:

maturin develop



shape: (22, 2)
│ points        ┆ midpoints      │
│ ---           ┆ ---            │
│ array[f64, 2] ┆ array[f64, 2]  │
│ [6.63, 8.35]  ┆ [5.815, 6.675] │
│ [7.19, 4.85]  ┆ [6.095, 4.925] │
│ [2.1, 4.21]   ┆ [3.55, 4.605]  │
│ [3.4, 6.13]   ┆ [4.2, 5.565]   │
│ [2.48, 9.26]  ┆ [3.74, 7.13]   │
│ …             ┆ …              │
│ [5.0, 5.0]    ┆ [5.0, 5.0]     │
│ [2.07, 7.8]   ┆ [3.535, 6.4]   │
│ [9.45, 9.6]   ┆ [7.225, 7.3]   │
│ [3.1, 3.26]   ┆ [4.05, 4.13]   │
│ [4.37, 5.72]  ┆ [4.685, 5.36]  │


Notice how the dtype remains the same. As an exercise, try to achieve the same in pure-Python (without Rust plugins) without explicitly casting the type of the Series.

Hurray, we did it! And why exactly go through all this trouble instead of just doing the same thing in pure Python? For performance of course!

Spoilers ahead if you haven't tried the exercise from the note above

With the following implementation in Python, we can take some measurements:

ref_point = (5.0, 5.0)

def using_plugin(df=df, ref_point=ref_point):
    result = df.with_columns(midpoints=midpoint_2d("points", ref_point=ref_point))
    return result

def midpoint(points:pl.Series) -> pl.Series:
    for point in points:
        result.append([(point[0]+ref_point[0])/2, (point[1]+ref_point[1])/2])
    return pl.Series(result, dtype=pl.Array(pl.Float64, 2))

def using_python(df=df, ref_point=ref_point):
    result = (
            midpoints=pl.col('points').map_batches(midpoint, return_dtype=pl.Array(pl.Float64, 2))
    return result

For the sake of brevity, some extra methods to generate and parse an input file were left out of the code above, as well as the timeit bits. By measuring both versions with 1.000.000 points a few times and taking the average, we got the following result:

Using plugin:
min: 0.5307095803339811
max: 0.5741689523274545
mean +/- stderr: 0.5524565599986263 +/- 0.0064489015434971925

Using python:
min: 6.682447870339577
max: 6.99253460233255
mean +/- stderr: 6.808615755191394 +/- 0.03757884107880601

A speedup of 12x, that's a big win!


When benchmarking Rust code, remember to use maturin develop --release, otherwise the timings will be much slower!