
ExprXDTNamespace.offset_by(by: str | Expr, *, weekend: Sequence[str] = ('Sat', 'Sun'), holidays: Sequence[date] | None = None, roll: Literal['raise', 'forward', 'backward'] = 'raise') XDTExpr#

Offset this date by a relative time offset.


The offset to apply. This can be a string of the form “nbd” (where n is an integer), or a polars expression that evaluates to such a string. Additional units are passed to polars.dt.offset_by.


The days of the week that are considered weekends. Defaults to (“Sat”, “Sun”).


The holidays to exclude from the calculation. Defaults to None.


How to handle dates that fall on a non-workday.

  • “raise” raise an error (default).

  • “forward” roll forward to the next business day.

  • “backward” roll backward to the previous business day.



>>> import polars as pl
>>> import polars_xdt  # noqa: F401
>>> df = pl.DataFrame(
...     {"date": [date(2023, 4, 3), date(2023, 9, 1), date(2024, 1, 4)]}
... )
>>> df.with_columns(
...     date_shifted=pl.col("date").xdt.offset_by("1bd"),
... )
shape: (3, 2)
│ date       ┆ date_shifted │
│ ---        ┆ ---          │
│ date       ┆ date         │
│ 2023-04-03 ┆ 2023-04-04   │
│ 2023-09-01 ┆ 2023-09-04   │
│ 2024-01-04 ┆ 2024-01-05   │

You can also specify custom weekends and holidays:

>>> import holidays
>>> holidays_england = holidays.country_holidays(
...     "UK", subdiv="ENG", years=[2023, 2024]
... )
>>> df.with_columns(
...     date_shifted=pl.col("date").xdt.offset_by(
...         "5bd",
...         holidays=holidays_england,
...         weekend=["Fri", "Sat"],
...         roll="backward",
...     ),
... )
shape: (3, 2)
│ date       ┆ date_shifted │
│ ---        ┆ ---          │
│ date       ┆ date         │
│ 2023-04-03 ┆ 2023-04-11   │
│ 2023-09-01 ┆ 2023-09-07   │
│ 2024-01-04 ┆ 2024-01-11   │

You can also pass expressions to by:

>>> df = pl.DataFrame(
...     {
...         "date": [
...             date(2023, 4, 3),
...             date(2023, 9, 1),
...             date(2024, 1, 4),
...         ],
...         "by": ["1bd", "2bd", "-3bd"],
...     }
... )
>>> df.with_columns(
...     date_shifted=pl.col("date").xdt.offset_by(pl.col("by"))
... )
shape: (3, 3)
│ date       ┆ by   ┆ date_shifted │
│ ---        ┆ ---  ┆ ---          │
│ date       ┆ str  ┆ date         │
│ 2023-04-03 ┆ 1bd  ┆ 2023-04-04   │
│ 2023-09-01 ┆ 2bd  ┆ 2023-09-05   │
│ 2024-01-04 ┆ -3bd ┆ 2024-01-01   │