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10. STRUCTin'

"Day one, I'm in love with your struct" Thumpasaurus (kinda)

How do we consume structs, and how do we return them?

To learn about structs, we'll rewrite a plugin which takes a Struct as input, and shifts all values forwards by one key. So, for example, if the input was {'a': 1, 'b': 2., 'c': '3'}, then the output will be {'a': 2., 'b': '3', 'c': 1}.

On the Python side, usual business:

def shift_struct(expr: IntoExpr) -> pl.Expr:
    expr = parse_into_expr(expr)
    return expr.register_plugin(

On the Rust side, we need to start by activating the necessary feature - in Cargo.toml, please make this change:

-polars = { version = "0.37.0", default-features = false }
+polars = { version = "0.37.0", features=["dtype-struct"], default-features = false }

Then, we need to get the schema right.

fn shifted_struct(input_fields: &[Field]) -> PolarsResult<Field> {
    let field = &input_fields[0];
    match field.data_type() {
        DataType::Struct(fields) => {
            let mut field_0 = fields[0].clone();
            let name =;
            field_0.set_name(fields[fields.len() - 1].name().clone());
            let mut fields = fields[1..]
                .zip(fields[0..fields.len() - 1].iter())
                .map(|(fld, name)| Field::new(, fld.data_type().clone()))
            Ok(Field::new(&name, DataType::Struct(fields)))
        _ => unreachable!(),
In this case, I put the first field's name as the output struct's name, but it doesn't really matter what we put, as Polars doesn't allow us to rename expressions within plugins. You can always rename on the Python side if you really want to, but I'd suggest to just let Polars follow its usual "left-hand-rule".

The function definition is going to follow a similar logic:

fn shift_struct(inputs: &[Series]) -> PolarsResult<Series> {
    let struct_ = inputs[0].struct_()?;
    let fields = struct_.fields();
    if fields.is_empty() {
        return Ok(inputs[0].clone());
    let mut field_0 = fields[0].clone();
    field_0.rename(fields[fields.len() - 1].name());
    let mut fields = fields[1..]
        .zip(fields[..fields.len() - 1].iter())
        .map(|(s, name)| {
            let mut s = s.clone();
    StructChunked::new(, &fields).map(|ca| ca.into_series())

Let's try this out. Put the following in

import polars as pl
import minimal_plugin as mp

df = pl.DataFrame(
        "a": [1, 3, 8],
        "b": [2.0, 3.1, 2.5],
        "c": ["3", "7", "3"],
).select(abc=pl.struct("a", "b", "c"))

Compile with maturin develop (or maturin develop --release if you're benchmarking), and if you run python you'll see:

shape: (3, 2)
│ abc         ┆ abc_shifted │
│ ---         ┆ ---         │
│ struct[3]   ┆ struct[3]   │
│ {1,2.0,"3"} ┆ {2.0,"3",1} │
│ {3,3.1,"7"} ┆ {3.1,"7",3} │
│ {8,2.5,"3"} ┆ {2.5,"3",8} │

The values look right - but is the schema? Let's take a look

import pprint
OrderedDict([('abc', Struct({'a': Int64, 'b': Float64, 'c': String})),
             ('abc_shifted', Struct({'a': Float64, 'b': String, 'c': Int64}))])
Looks correct!